Personal Change Blog: Entry 1


For my personal change project, the thing I would like to completely stop watching is explicit adult content. I would not say that I am addicted to this kind of content, as I do not rely on it every day, but I do feel I have experienced some negative effects from it, and I do feel my life would benefit if I completely stopped watching. Some of the things I have experienced from prolonged use of pornography include social anxiety, lack of confidence, and a lack in productivity. There have also been instances where prolonged use has caused relationship issues with my past girlfriend. In the past, there have been very long periods of time during which I would not watch pornography, however each time I would watch it again. I think in the past I have never fully committed to quitting, which is something I would like to change. The reason I am doing this is because I firmly believe pornography only elicits negative effects on the brain, as well as stopping as soon as possible before my usage turns into addiction. I have my doubts on whether I will be able to fully quit, as pornography is so widely and easily accessible. Going forward with my goal of quitting, I will have to develop a plan on how to quit. My main challenge will be fully committing to quitting. As someone who falls into temptations quite easily, a plan will have to be put into place so I can stay on trajectory of fulfilling my goal.

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