Two weeks have passed since I lasted watched pornography, and I am feeling the same as I did last week. I have been able to continuously distract myself from watching pornography by sticking to my plan. I have been able to sleep a bit better now and have noticed a slight increase in energy. I mentioned I was having mental lulls last week, while still true, I have been experiencing them less. In the past I was not weary of the things that would trigger me to watch pornography, so this time I around I have been paying attention to them. I noticed some of my triggers that would lead me to pornography were stress, boredom, and social media. I read an article by Lauren Ragland on WebMD about how to deal with stress in a healthy way and one the things she mentioned was homing in on better sleep. I have been drinking less caffeine as well as trying not to use my phone 30-60 minutes before bed. Doing so has allowed me to sleep better and feel less stressed. As for dealing with boredom, I have mainly been going outside on walks or spending time with my friends. Doing either of these things almost instantly makes my urge to watch pornography go away; I will continue to do this in the future, and more frequently. My last trigger has proven the hardest to get around. My social media is constantly flooded with half naked women, which makes it very difficult to supress the urge of watching pornography. To overcome this trigger, I have been spending less time on my phone, as mentioned before, and relying on sheer mental will. So far, this trigger has not caused me to give into my urges, but I fear that it will.
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