Personal Change Blog: Entry 8


It has almost been two whole months since I watched pornography. At the beginning of this blog, I did not think I would be able to make it a single week without watching porn, let alone seven weeks now. Consistently writing about my recovery journey each week has been a huge help and is something that I plan on continuing for the foreseeable future. I do not think I have fully recovered yet, as that will take a significant amount of time for me to do. But I do think that over this seven-week period, I have implemented a plethora of healthy habits, that have given me the foundation to recover successfully from my addiction. After seven weeks of being sober from watching porn, I feel significantly more confident, productive, and mental clarity. However, the journey was not all sunshine and rainbows. Throughout the blog I shared some of the adverse effects of withdrawal such as mood swings, lack of sleep, and decreased libido. These effects made it difficult to continue, but as I mentioned writing about these effects has made it easier to continue. The longer I spent reflecting on my feelings, made me realize I never want to experience the adverse effects of prolonged pornographic use again. Not wanting to experience these effects again taught me to be resilient in order to achieve my goal. I have learned a lot about my myself through these past seven weeks, as well as how to better deal with stress, not only have these things been helping me throughout my recovery journey but they have also helped improve the overall quality of my life. My journey does not end here, this is something I will continue to do for the rest of my life.

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